Although we all wish our pets can be healthy throughout their lives without medical care, there are times when surgery is necessary to make them healthy. If your pet is need of surgery, you can count on the expertise of the veterinarians at All Valley Pet Hospital.
To reduce the risk of vomiting during and after anesthesia, we require that all pets fast 8-10 hours prior to surgery. “No food or drink after midnight” is usually our recommendation. However, a small amount of water is acceptable. Prior to each surgical procedure we perform, we perform a physical exam and administer pre-anesthetic blood work. This allows us to be sure your pet is healthy enough for anesthesia and surgery. Then, we place an IV catheter for easy administration of anesthesia and pain relief medication. Once your pet is relaxed, we administer anesthesia and begin surgery.
We monitor every patient’s vital signs throughout the entire surgical procedure, using oximetry equipment. For advanced surgeries, we also monitor blood pressure. After the surgery is complete, we provide post-surgical pain relief options and discharge instructions to keep your pet comfortable and promote a speedy recovery.
If you would like to schedule a surgical procedure for your pet, or if you have questions about what to expect before, during, or after surgery, give us a call at (805) 922-0305. One of our team members will be glad to assist you.